Çankaya’s CO2 emissions are under control...

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy brings together local and regional authorities voluntarily committing to implementing the EU’s climate and energy objectives on their territory. This unique bottom-up movement, which started in 2008 with the support of the European Commission, now counts over 6,500 signatories.

The Covenant of Mayors, supporting execution of sustainable energy policies of local administrations, was signed by our Mayor on 22 April 2015 Earth Day. The parties signing the covenant aim to reduce carbon dioxide emission more than 20% until 2020 in their territory and our Municipality targets 25% reduction. The three stage covenant urges in the first phase becoming a party, while in the second phase preparation of an Action Plan for Sustainable Energy is required. In the third phase, with reference to the Action Plan, execution of projects and their final reports are to be accomplished. Çankaya Municipality will prepare “Sustainable Energy Action Plan” in its territory in the context of covenant, which will cover infrastructure projects and aim at developing awareness of the residents.
