Çankaya Municipality serves with a gender equality perspective and is aware of the role and importance of local authorities in eliminating inequalities and developing an egalitarian society. In this context Directorate of Woman and Family Services has been established to carry out services aiming at providing equal opportunities and services to women, strengthening the role of women in society and implementing the principle of equality, which is a fundamental right for everyone.

Directorate of Woman and Family Services is composed of the Equality and Awareness Bureau, Women Consultation - and Women Shelter Bureau and Marriage Services Bureau.

Çankaya Municipality has signed the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life and has prepared its Local Equality Action Plan for the period 2016-2019.

Çankaya Municipality recognizes the following as fundamental principles of all actions. Accordingly Directorate of Woman and Family Services carries out it its work with an egalitarian, anti-discrimination, democratic and environmentally sensitive perspective; excepts equality between women and men as a fundamental right and takes responsibility to prevent any kind of discrimination; plays an effective role in integrating the gender perspective into all services, activities, plans, projects and studies of the municipality; it ensures that women and men equally benefit from municipal services; acts being aware of diasdvantages stemming from gender inequalities and provides solutions to eliminate inequalities; takes into account multiple discrimination and disadvantage based, in addition to gender, on race, colour, ethnic and social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation or socio-economic status in addressing equality between women and men; aims at fighting against hate speech, hate crimes and any kind of violence against women; aims at gender budgeting and structuring the the distribution of resources improving gender equality; it aims at gender mainstreaming during “Strategic Planning” and budget processes of the Municipality.

Çankaya Municipality - Local Equality Action Plan
