
Climate change and its impacts – more variable temperatures and rainfall, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels – are accelerating the pace and intensity of the shocks and stresses facing communities globally. Cities are particularly vulnerable because of their concentration of people and assets, as well as the degradation of protective ecosystems. Çankaya Municipality is improving methods for effective water management by rain water harvesting and with this action it aims to raise awareness to promote conservation and sustainability of nature and biodiversity, particularly at the local level through the involvement of its villages and farmers at grassroots level in a participatory manner.

Climate Resilience through Rain Harvesting

Contracting Authority:

Central Finance and Contracts Unit

Grant Programme:

Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey–IV Environment Grant Project no: TR2011/0135.15-01/05


Landscape Research Society (PAD) , Ankara, Turkey, NGO, 2012. PAD is an independent research association deals with every aspect of landscape. Çankaya Municipality and PAD has been in cooperation from the establishment of PAD in 2012. The first projects’ of the applicants in between 2013-2014 about Climate Friendly Urban Parks completed successfully which granted from UNDP-GEF grants programme.

Co-Applicant 1

Çankaya Municipality, Ankara, Turkey, Local Authority, 1984. Application area of the project is in the borders of Çankaya Municipality. PAD and Çankaya Municipality run a project in partnership. Çankaya will be pilot of the action and provide the sustainability of the project results.

Co-Applicant 2

Associação para um Mundo Humanitario (AMH) / Association for a Humanitarian World, Odemira, Portugal, Non- profit Association, 2002. AMH is a unique and renowned model on climate resilience and water retention appreciated by PAD and Çankaya Municipality as well as many NGO’s and universities.


Union of Municipalities (UMT) of Turkey, Turkey, 2005, Local Authorities, umbrella organization for all municipalities in Turkey and Çankaya Municipality is a member of UMT.


Overall objective: To promote civil society dialogue and cooperation between Turkey and the EU at local level by exchanging knowledge and experience on climate change adaptation.

Specific Objectives 1. To increase the technical capacity of PAD and Çankaya Municipality for climate change adaptation at local level 2. To improve methods for effective water management by rain water harvesting 3. To disseminate the sustainable model for climate resilience to other municipalities and related institutions

Duration of the project

12 months from 15.02.2016 – 15.03.2016


143.332,60 €

Estimated results

1. A sustainable partnership and network for climate change adaptation of related organizations in Turkey and EU has been established.

2. A study visit and training of trainers programme has been developed and implemented.

3. The capacity to implement rain harvesting in Çankaya has been increased.

4. A practical guidebook on adaptation to climate change has been prepared.

5. Awareness on climate change has been raised.

Main activities

1.1 Building the Project team 1.2 Steering Committee meetings 1.3 Organising a visit of AMH Team to Ankara 1.4 Launching of the Project 1.5 Establishment of a data base network of EU and Turkish organizations working in this field.

2.1 Preparing training needs analysis 2.2 Definition of the participants 2.3 Development of a training programme and a model training programme 2.4 Study visit of the Steering committee to AMH 2.5 Training of the trainers in AMH. 2.6 ToT in Ankara.

3.1 Seminar by AMH team to target group 3.2 Finalizing the Model Training programme 3.3 Implementation of the Model Training Programme by the ToT team.

4.1 Collection of data and situation analyses in water management 4.2 Preparation and translation of fact sheets and infographics 4.3 Preparation of the guide book.

5.1 Developing a communication strategy 5.2 Organizing awareness raising campaign for climate change: Rain Day.
